Available jobs -------------- Each section ``[job.xxx]`` in the configuration should configure a single job from the types below. (The type is selected by the ``type`` value inside the section.) .. _standard-params: There are two standard parameters supported by all jobs: .. describe:: permissions This selects the permissions for users who want to query or control the job. There are three basic permission levels with increasing capabilities. Each client is assigned one of the levels when it authenticates against the daemon. * DISPLAY: to see the job's services, and to query its status, output and log files. * CONTROL: to be able to start, stop and restart the job. * ADMIN: to be able to administrate the job (currently, requesting and transferring back config files). If not configured differently for a job, these descriptions apply (a client that wants to start a job has to have CONTROL level). However, using the ``permissions`` parameter on a job, the required levels can be reassigned. The syntax is a comma-separated list of ``actionlevel=userlevel``. For example, ``display=control`` means that to do DISPLAY actions (i.e. see the job and read its status), the user has to have CONTROL level or higher. On the other hand, ``admin=control, control=display`` means that a user who has only CONTROL level can configure the service, and a user who has only DISPLAY level can start/stop it. There are also two special levels that are only used in certain situations: * NONE: is a level below DISPLAY that can be given to unauthenticated users (see :ref:`here `), so that they cannot even see services. * DISABLED: is a level above ADMIN that can be given to job actions, so that nobody can execute the action on this job (e.g. ``admin=disabled``). .. describe:: pollinterval The interval, in seconds, for Marche to poll the status of all the job's services and send it back to clients, if the status changes. The default is 3 seconds. A value of 0 disables polling (not recommended). The supported job types are: .. toctree:: jobs/init jobs/process jobs/systemd jobs/entangle jobs/frappy jobs/nicos jobs/tangosrv