Source code for

# *****************************************************************************
# Marche - A server control daemon
# Copyright (c) 2015-2023 by the authors, see LICENSE
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
# Module authors:
#   Georg Brandl <>
#   Alexander Lenz <>
# *****************************************************************************

import collections
import os
import threading
from os import path

    SYSTEMD_STATE_MAP, Busy, Fault, Unauthorized
from marche.permission import ADMIN, CONTROL, DISPLAY, parse_permissions
from marche.polling import Poller
from marche.utils import AsyncProcess, extract_loglines, read_file, write_file

[docs]class Job: """This is the basic job class. All methods that implement a Marche command should raise :exc:`` with a nice error message on error. Other exceptions are caught but will cause tracebacks to be written to the logfile. All methods that start/stop services can also raise :exc:`` to indicate that the operation cannot be done at the moment, because a job is already starting/stopping. The job has a thread-lock, which needs to be held for operations where it is not documented that they are safe without locking. .. automethod:: __init__ """
[docs] def __init__(self, jobtype, name, config, log, event_callback): """The constructor should not be overridden, rather implement the configure() method. It sets the following instance attributes: ``name`` The job name (the *name* argument). ``config`` The job config dictionary (the *config* argument). ``log`` A logger for the job (a child of the *log* argument). """ self.jobtype = jobtype = name self.config = config self.log = log.getChild(name) self.lock = threading.Lock() self._processes = {} self._output = {} self._permissions = {DISPLAY: DISPLAY, CONTROL: CONTROL, ADMIN: ADMIN} if 'permissions' in config: try: self._permissions = parse_permissions(self._permissions, config['permissions']) except ValueError: self.log.error('could not parse permission string: %r' % config['permissions']) self.pollinterval = 3.0 if 'pollinterval' in config: try: self.pollinterval = float(config['pollinterval']) except ValueError: self.log.error('could not parse pollinterval: %r' % config['pollinterval']) self.poller = Poller(self, self.pollinterval, event_callback) self.configure(config)
# Utilities def _async_call(self, status, cmd, sh=True, output=None): if output is not None: output.append('$ %s\n' % cmd) proc = AsyncProcess(status, self.log, cmd, sh, output, output) proc.start() return proc def _sync_call(self, cmd, sh=True): proc = AsyncProcess(0, self.log, cmd, sh) proc.start() proc.join() return proc def _async_start(self, sub, cmd): if sub in self._processes and not self._processes[sub].done: raise Busy output = self._output.setdefault(sub, collections.deque(maxlen=50)) self._processes[sub] = self._async_call(STARTING, cmd, output=output) def _async_stop(self, sub, cmd): if sub in self._processes and not self._processes[sub].done: raise Busy output = self._output.setdefault(sub, collections.deque(maxlen=50)) self._processes[sub] = self._async_call(STOPPING, cmd, output=output) def _async_status_only(self, sub): if sub in self._processes and not self._processes[sub].done: return self._processes[sub].status, '' def _async_status_exitcode(self, sub, cmd): """Returns the status of something determined by the exit code of the given command. """ if sub in self._processes and not self._processes[sub].done: return self._processes[sub].status, '' result = self._sync_call(cmd).retcode if result == 0: return RUNNING, '' elif result == -1: # timeout in call return NOT_AVAILABLE, '' return DEAD, '' def _async_status_systemd(self, sub, unit, systemctl='systemctl'): """Returns the status of a systemd unit.""" if sub in self._processes and not self._processes[sub].done: return self._processes[sub].status, '' cmd = f'{systemctl} show -p SubState "{unit}"' result = self._sync_call(cmd).stdout[0].strip()[9:] return SYSTEMD_STATE_MAP.get(result, DEAD), \ result if result != 'running' else '' # Public interface
[docs] def has_permission(self, level, client): """Query if the *client* has permission to do an action that would normally have *level*. Safe to call without the job lock held. """ return client.level >= self._permissions[level]
[docs] def check_permission(self, level, client): """Ensure that the *client* has permission to do an action that would normally have *level*. If not, raises `Fault`. Safe to call without the job lock held. """ if self.has_permission(level, client): return raise Unauthorized('permission denied by Marche')
[docs] def determine_permissions(self, client): """Return which normal levels of actions this *client* can do. Safe to call without the job lock held. """ return [perm for perm in (DISPLAY, CONTROL, ADMIN) if self.has_permission(perm, client)]
[docs] def invalidate(self, service, instance): """Invalidate polled and cached status.""" self.poller.invalidate(service, instance)
[docs] def poll_now(self): """Let the poller poll now, if possible.""" self.poller.queue.put(True)
[docs] def polled_service_status(self, service, instance): """Return the service status, if possible from the poller cache. Must be called without the job lock held. """ result = self.poller.get(service, instance) if result is not None: return result with self.lock: return self.service_status(service, instance)
# Public interface to be implemented by subclasses
[docs] def configure(self, config): """Check and process the configuration in *config*. The default implementation does nothing. """
[docs] def check(self): """Check if the job can be used at all (on this system). This is called on daemon initialization for each configured job, and if it returns False, the job is not further used. If this returns False, it should also do some logging output to inform the user of the reason that the job cannot work. The default is to return True. """ return True
[docs] def init(self): """Initialize the job. This can further configure the job after the feasibility check has run. The default is to start the poller, so the base class method should be normally called by subclasses. """ if self.pollinterval > 0: self.poller.start()
[docs] def shutdown(self): """Shut the job down. The default is to stop the poller, so the base class method should be normally called by subclasses. """ self.poller.stop()
[docs] def get_services(self): """Return a list of ``(service, instance)`` names that this job supports. This should be very cheap, so the list of services should be determined in the constructor and only returned here. For jobs without sub-instances, return ``(service, '')``. This must be implemented by subclasses. Must be safe to call without the job lock held. """ raise NotImplementedError('%s.get_services not implemented' % self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def start_service(self, service, instance): """Start the service with the given name. The method should not block; instead, if the service takes a while to start the returned status should be ``STARTING`` during that time. This must be implemented by subclasses. """ raise NotImplementedError('%s.start_service not implemented' % self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def stop_service(self, service, instance): """Stop the service with the given name. The method should not block; instead, if the service takes a while to stop the returned status should be ``STOPPING`` during that time. This must be implemented by subclasses. """ raise NotImplementedError('%s.stop_service not implemented' % self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def restart_service(self, service, instance): """Restart the service with the given name. The method should not block; instead, if the service takes a while to restart the returned status should be ``STARTING`` during that time. This must be implemented by subclasses. """ raise NotImplementedError('%s.restart_service not implemented' % self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def service_status(self, service, instance): """Return the tuple of status constant and extended status of the service with the given name. The status should be one of the constants defined in the :mod:`` module: * ``DEAD`` (not running, for services that should run continuously) * ``NOT_RUNNING`` (not running, for one-shot services) * ``STARTING`` (currently starting to run) * ``INITIALIZING`` (process running, but not started up) * ``RUNNING`` (running OK) * ``WARNING`` (running, but not completely/with errors) * ``STOPPING`` (currently stopping to run) * ``NOT_AVAILABLE`` (not running, cannot start) -- this should only be necessary if the feasibility check cannot already rule it out Not all states have to be supported; the most basic set of states to return is ``DEAD`` or ``RUNNING``. The extended status is just a string with more information if needed and available. This must be implemented by subclasses. """ raise NotImplementedError('%s.service_status not implemented' % self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def all_service_status(self): """Return a dict with the tuple of status constants of all services/instances. Used by the poller to get the status of all services faster if possible. By default, this just loops through the services. """ states = {} for service, instance in self.get_services(): states[service, instance] = self.service_status(service, instance) return states
[docs] def service_description(self, service, instance): """Return a string description of the service with the given name. Must be safe to call without the job lock held. """ return ''
[docs] def service_output(self, service, instance): """Return the console output of the last attempt to start/stop/restart the service, as a list of strings (lines). The default is to return no output. """ return []
[docs] def service_logs(self, service, instance): """Return the contents of the logfile(s) of the service, if possible. The return value must be a dictionary of file names and contents. The default is to return no logfiles. """ return {}
[docs] def receive_config(self, service, instance): """Return the contents of the config file(s) of the service, if possible. The return value must be a dict mapping the file name to the decoded string content for each file. The default is to return no config files. """ return {}
[docs] def send_config(self, service, instance, filename, contents): """Transfer a changed config file to the service, and update it. Usually, this means that the new file is written to disk, but it could also take some further action. It should *not* restart the service, even if that is necessary for the config file to take effect. If `receive_config` returns files, this must be implemented. The default is to raise an exception that no files are accepted. """ raise Fault('no new configuration files accepted')
[docs]class LogfileMixin: """Mixin for configuring and sending a number of logfiles, stored as self.log_files, without looking at the service/instance. """
[docs] def configure_logfile_mixin(self, config): self.log_files = [] if 'logfile' in config: self.log_files.append(config['logfile']) for logpath in config.get('logfiles', '').split(','): logpath = logpath.strip() if logpath: self.log_files.append(logpath)
[docs] def service_logs(self, service, instance): ret = {} for log_file in self.log_files: ret.update(extract_loglines(log_file)) return ret
[docs]class ConfigMixin: """Mixin for receiving and sending a number of config files, stored as self.config_files, without looking at the service/instance. Since only the basenames are transferred to the client as identifiers, all configured config files must have different basenames. """
[docs] def configure_config_mixin(self, config): """To be called from the Job's configure().""" self.config_files = [] basenames = set() if 'configfile' in config: basenames.add(path.basename(config['configfile'])) self.config_files.append(config['configfile']) for configpath in config.get('configfiles', '').split(','): configpath = configpath.strip() if configpath: if path.basename(configpath) in basenames: raise RuntimeError('two config files with the same ' 'basename configured!') basenames.add(path.basename(configpath)) self.config_files.append(configpath)
[docs] def receive_config(self, service, instance): result = {} for configpath in self.config_files: # don't send conffiles which we can't write if path.exists(configpath) and os.access(configpath, os.W_OK): result[path.basename(configpath)] = read_file(configpath) return result
[docs] def send_config(self, service, instance, filename, contents): for configpath in self.config_files: if filename == path.basename(configpath): write_file(configpath, contents) break else: raise RuntimeError('unknown file')