Available authenticators

Simple authenticator

This authenticator allows the configuration of a single user/password pair and a user permission level right in the config file. It is the most basic authenticator and useful for simple services.


The configuration settings that can be set within the auth.simple section are:


Default: marche

The username to accept for authentication.


Default: no password

The password matching the username.


Default: admin

The permission level to return (one of display, control and admin).

PAM authenticator

This authenticator checks credentials against Linux’ PAM.


The configuration settings that can be set within the auth.pam section are:


Default: login

The PAM service to use. The default service, “login”, allows the same users to connect that can log into the system. However, a custom service (e.g. “marche”) can be configured in PAM, to place different restrictions on the possible logins.


Default: root

A comma-separated list of user names who get ADMIN access.


Default: (empty)

A comma-separated list of user names who get CONTROL access.


Default: (empty)

A comma-separated list of user names who get DISPLAY access.


Default: display

The permission level to return for any user no in one of the above lists. Can be “none” to deny any other users.