Getting started --------------- After installation all configuration is placed under **/etc/marche**, which contains the general configuration (:file:`general.conf`) and example files for many types of services. See :doc:`config` for detailed information about the config files and the general config values. A systemd service for the marche server is installed as :file:`/lib/systemd/system/marched.service`. If you installed the Debian package, it was automatically added to the boot procedure. To start the daemon manually, run:: marched [-c configdir] [-d] [-v] The config directory is usually ``/etc/marche`` but can be changed by ``-c``. The ``-d`` switch will daemonize the process, and the ``-v`` switch activates verbose logging. The Marche daemon writes logfiles; with the default configuration they go to ``/var/log/marche``, but this can be configured differently. Additionally, marche's bundled :doc:`graphical user interface ` is installed as **marche-gui**. | You should start now by checking (and possibly changing) the general configuration (**general.conf**) and configuring your services (see :doc:`config` and :doc:`jobs`). Marche's concept of services is that you configure one or more **jobs**, which can each provide one or more (usually similar) **services**. For example, the simple "init-script" job only provides one service, i.e., the service controlled by the init script it is configured to use. Other, more high-level, jobs, can use knowledge of details to scan the system and provide multiple services that belong together. To test your configuration, you can start **marche-gui** which will find your server automatically (if you activated the :ref:`UDP interface ` and it's within your own network). If you didn't activate the UDP interface, see :doc:`gui` for instructions how to add a specific host.